I am going to go ahead and post these here. I have already shared them on Facebook, but I wish to also share them with those who are following the Bliss-Parsons Institute. The charts are fairly self-explanatory, however, in a few months a new book I am working on will be published and these charts will be explained in great detail in that book.

Worship should be SIMPLE. It should be FREE and it should be Personal – between you and God. These charts contain all of the information necessary for anyone who is interested that wishes to “Worship” God without being a member of any organized religion on this planet. The charts tell you how you can be a TRULY Spiritual person without having to wear the silly costumes or do the man-made rituals, or follow a bunch of rules that humans invented. If you want truly SHARE your own being with God without having to go through a man or a woman or a groupHow to Worship13662396_1053134221431770_1076764334_o to do so, these charts are for you.


According the the dictionary a Muse is “a woman, or a force personified as a woman, who is the source of inspiration for an artist.” If that is the case, perhaps it could explain why some artists become “great” and others do not. As long as the Muse is present in their life they have reason and inner ability to be creative and to become great. But if there is no Muse … then the artist is a hollow shell …12799296_10154704668199460_1853342971618786193_n


In just a few days my new book, THE MUSE, will be available. For all of those who lived during the era of the 1960’s it will be a very enjoyable read. For those of you who did not, it will still be fun, and it will give you an idea of how the era REALLY “felt” from the firsthand experience of yours truly.

For some reason the 1960’s is a very popular decade to the contemporary society, and especially to the youth and the younger adults. Oddly, they have attempted to, in a trivial and shallow way, romanticize the 60’s for use in their own cultures today. And it was, indeed, a very romantic time to be alive, but NOT for the reasons that are being touted today.

People today are extracting the wrong elements from the 60’s for their romance. They seem to believe that what makes the 60’s wonderful and worthy of their imitation are the more visible and radical things about it: the hippie movement, the anti-war movement, the music, the drug culture … But they are sorely mistaken in those beliefs. Those were the darker experiences that are only known today because, as usual, darker experiences are what get the attention of the media. Those things were not what most of the youth of that day and age were actually experiencing, or putting their hopes and dreams in. And those things were certainly not what most of the youth of that day were exhibiting in their own lives. There were parts of the Midwest where the youth never even heard the word “hippie” expressed. Millions of young people never heard of Janis Joplin or any of the characters that would eventually be manufactured into saints for the modern world. Just because something is blown out of proportion by the media, does not make it a reality.

The 60’s was, indeed, a time of romantic experimentation and discovery. But the REAL and TRUE image of the 60’s was not to be found in pathetic and shiftless rock stars, or in violent agitators stirring up peaceful protests during media invented scenarios. The REAL ROMANCE was found in the every day lives of those who were simply, and peacefully, LIVING within an era that was generating an energy frequency different than any that had ever come before.

Some chose to distort that creative energy into what formed those darker things that made the news, while others quietly joined with the energy and rode along for a few years in their own personal exploration and discovery. THE MUSE speaks little of the darker surface … but goes beneath the superficial tabloid views and shares the brighter TRULY ROMANTIC energy with all those who desire to separate TRUTH from fiction, and who will take the time to read it.The Muse_Abstract


I have completed a new book that is now in the final formatting stages for publication. It should be available on before the end of this month (March 2016).

I will not give the title of the book until it in published form, but I will tell you that it is a fun read. A bit different than my other books, it deals with the rather lighthearted subject of ART. Many years ago I was a full time artist living in Southern California. I am still an artist but I now reside in the Midwest, and believe me, my location today and the contemporary times, are MUCH different than what you will experience in the book. The new book chronicles my life during one year, 1968, taken directly off the pages of a Journal which I kept religiously and still keep to this day.

The book is about ART. Not famous artists or famous Art galleries, but young artists coming of age during one of the most colorful eras of human history. An era that will never come again. The book is loaded with photos placed strategically throughout, and it is very hard to put down once you begin to read it.

From the back cover: “A captivating page-turner for those who look fondly back upon the 60’s and especially for all “art people” everywhere. But even if you are not an artist you will love following along with the author as he interacts with the people and events of those long gone times.” 10480171_731914006877199_3268400716327027043_n


While many are touting the Pope’s visit as a wonderful, happy event for America, very few are sensing the dark shadow of “something” in the air …

There is something more than meets the eye that is going on in the supernatural realm that humans are unable to see or to hear. All they see with their physical eyes is the production … the extravaganza … the costumes and the superficial smiles. All they hear are the well-written speeches that are laced with rhetoric and false images of deceitful convictions.

This world is in a terrible state – a dangerous and dramatic state that is creeping up on humanity as a pack of hungry coyotes creep stealthily up before they pounce upon their prey.

In all honesty, as I watched the Papal procession drive down the road, the crowds cheering and waving their arms, it was not joy and hope that I was feeling. In fact, as I continued to observe the entirety of the Papal visit, the “feeling” I had was more like the feeling one gets at a funeral procession for a national dignitary. I found no true happiness in the face of the Pope or in any of the politicians. I heard no “hope” in any of the speeches given … only clichés, superficial desires, and riddles.

And as a pack of desperate, emaciated coyotes give out their communal chorus of eerie wailing just before they pounce upon their terrified victim, all of the sounds of the three days of well-rehearsed, cleverly orchestrated production seemed to merge together … creating a similar wail of warning for all of mankind.

Something is wrong. Something is terribly wrong. And lest the reader believe that I am Pope bashing or Catholic bashing here, be assured that I am not. If I bash anything with this writing it is the apparently self-imposed naivety and ignorance that the entire human race seems to be wallowing in. THAT is the point of this blog. To awaken within the hearts and minds of everyone who reads these words the desire to stand strong and fight against the darkness that has begun to swallow this world.



When someone says their religion is true, what they are really saying is that they are still searching for TRUTH. Because in TRUTH, they have not even found God yet … they are still searching for God. Why is that the case?

Because no one on Earth has actually found God. That is why no one knows for sure that the religion they practice is true. There can be no physical proof of that, and “faith” can be placed in many things, including those things of an evil intent.

You might now say, “But I’ve found God! I know God! He talks to me all the time!”

Well … no you haven’t … no you don’t … no God doesn’t. Perhaps you have had an encounter with your own conscience and you have listened to the thoughts of your deeper mind, but you have not made contact with God.

No one can find God because God exists in a “PLACE” far different than the human “place.” God is un-FINDable. And no one can know God because how can it be possible for a finite, simplistic human mind to even survive an encounter with the MIND of GOD, let alone KNOW what lies inside it. How presumptuous of any human to make those claims! Even the Judeo-Christian Bible teaches that God cannot be found, known, or understood. It teaches that no one has ever seen God and no one can ever see God in the physical – that God is “unapproachable.” Yet, religions today continue to teach the opposite and many members of those religions profess to having done so.

It is fact that ALL religions are incomplete because their “search (their “Quest”) has not ended. God has NOT been found – nor did God ever intend to be found by humans.

In the human drama that has been labeled the journey to “enlightenment,” regardless of what New Age practitioners profess there can be no completion, no end, while you remain in physical form. You can only “awaken” to the TRUTH of the fact that you are on a path without a physical ending, but a path that is real nevertheless.

The philosopher, the preacher, the intellectual, the atheist, the Dali Lama, the politician, the teacher, the student … no one is above any of the others on this continuing journey.

On the TRUE PATH no human is greater than any other human. The Pope within his Vatican palace is no further along than the Baptist Deacon tilling his wheat field in Kansas. In fact, those who profess to have found “enlightenment,” “nirvana,” “awareness,” and the like, are the LEAST likely to have found them, for they still have not learned the primary lesson: that those states of Being are out of their grasp while in the physical, and not one human being on Earth can ever transcend the physical to attain them.

HUMILITY is the only requirement for the TRUE PATH, but very few humans exhibit TRUE HUMILITY. It is when humans quit competing with God that they come closest to finding Him.



Although the religions of this world have a very long and sorry history of failure combined with the misrepresentation of the God they are supposed to be emulating, a few do have at least one principle attribute they have adopted that is, indeed, a good thing for humanity.

The original Native American religion (not so much today) as we discussed in our book trilogy, had one tenet that was and still is a good thing for this chaotic culture in which the inhabitants of this world live: a respect for the “Great Mystery” or “Great Spirit,” two of the names they used for God. The ancient Native Americans are perhaps the closest of all religions on Earth to giving a proper Title for God, as no one knows His real Name, and regardless of what the contemporary religions profess, the Bible is quite clear that His Ways are a complete mystery to mankind.

The Mormons (LDS) also have a principle they follow that is very good for the human culture, and it is the storage of three years supply of food and water for usage in times of distress to the economy, and/or the world as a whole. All would be wise to do the same.

The Southern Baptists are strong on TRUE FAMILY strength and devotion … that is a GOOD THING.

There are a couple of other religions on Earth that have a good point or two, but by far the one that I know to have the most to offer the human race at this time in its very dangerous existence, is the AMISH religion. Yes, I said AMISH. The Amish actually have more than one or two good qualities about them that it would be good if all people everywhere adopted them. Principal of those is the SIMPLIFICATION OF LIFE. Everything about the AMISH is simple. From their worship of God to the way they run their homes, all is based upon simplifying the human life and lifestyle. That is a good thing, indeed.

And I know the Amish people are not perfect, but then no human is. I know there have been a couple of scandals about the Amish, but I also know that the scandal part came mainly from slanted media hype rather than from TRUTH. In any case, the majority of Amish are wonderful people who live a life-style that is closer to what Jesus taught than any other religion on Earth. It would pay you to study these folks and, perhaps, alter your own lifestyles to more closely resemble the Amish – maybe not the clothing and the buggies, but the SIMPLE way they view and live their relationship to THE CREATOR, and even to the land upon which they reside. For unlike many who profess the sacredness of the Earth, and abuse it every chance they get, TRUE sacredness of the Earth is a part of the Amish religion, and they LIVE it in every fiber of their lives.




This universe is both governed and sustained by the laws of Physics. But are the laws that we know as “Physics” here on Earth the ONLY laws of Physics existent in this universe? If one were to speed across the width of the universe to a far away planet in a distant galaxy, could it be possible that one might encounter laws of Physics of a different kind? Physics principles that Earthlings have never been exposed to … principles that explain wonders and workings far beyond the imaginings of the Earth human mind.

Now … image for a moment that there are thousands of other universes …1047881_388164084618530_1452732784_o

pause now to remember MOTHER


While driving to a restaurant for the weekly Saturday morning breakfast routine, the drive involved becoming a part of a rainstorm like none I had ever experienced before while driving on this world – torrential rain, wind, and massive streaks of lightning striking all around the car in huge bolts pounding the Earth every five seconds or so.

The distance between ANNICA and the restaurant is only about five or six miles, half by country road and half by highway, but what would have been on a normal day of clear weather – taking only ten or fifteen minutes to complete ­– a short uneventful jaunt in the country was, today, like a ride at Disneyland gone wild, times 1000.

For the locals who were awake enough to witness it, it was a brief reminder of just the tiniest bit of the POWER OF MOTHER as SHE paused for a moment in HER more important tasks to embed forcefully within the countenance of the inhabitants of this little world that it is SHE that is in control, and not any human being or beings who are waltzing about down here in their self-imposed arrogance and self-righteousness.

There is enough TRUE POWER in one raindrop, if “brought forth” correctly, to destroy this entire planet in one second. There is enough energy in a single bolt of lightning to annihilate the entire solar system in the time it takes for MOTHER to blink HER EYE only once.

How foolish are the simple, delicate, and immature human creatures on Earth for busying themselves with such adolescent behaviors and entertainments as they are now doing, while completely ignoring, and even denying, the ever-present and immense BEING that is MOTHER.

MOTHER is not pleased. A rude awakening is coming …