The Bliss-Parsons Institute has been studying humanity for many years now, and although our studies have shown that for the past 100 years or so human beings seem to have sped up their free will choice in bringing about their own demise, we wish to remind everyone that there is still time for humanity to correct the damage it has done to this world. There are only two things that must be done in order to reverse that damage and we have discussed those two things thoroughly in our books and on this website: 1. Return to TRUE Worship of GOD, 2. Return to “Righteousness” – which means human beings must cease their out of control, cultural lifestyles, and return to living lives of a moral, ethical nature. We also have outlined exactly how to do both of those things in our books and on this website. We will continue to proclaim this message until the Last Day, as that is what we have been Set Apart to do. But our words are not hollow. They carry weight. Unless men, women and children awaken to the seriousness of the situation they have placed themselves in, every word of every message we have proclaimed will come to pass. Please do not take our counsel lightly, for it is TRUTH, and TRUTH WILL BECOME SO, regardless of the wishes and wants, the fads and fashions, and the “politics” of humanity.


Evil, like the malignant disease it is, is distorting and lengthening the space between human spirits and Truth. Logic, morality, and rationale have been poisoned and in many cases removed from society. This evil is present in humans of all races and genders, but the violence and chaos you see in the news every day has nothing to do with race or mental illness. It has everything to do with Spiritual warfare: the war between Righteousness and evil. Unless that TRUTH is admitted by the inhabitants of this world, and steps are taken to change, little can be done to bring human society back to a state of rational thought and righteous behavior. Solutions to today’s problems can never be solved unless TRUTH about the problems is realized, admitted, and acted upon. As of this writing, humanity is simply not willing to do that. It will be their imminent downfall if they do not act very soon.


On my Facebook page (as well as all of the B-PI FB Pages) you are likely to find a mixed bag of “Posts” from a wide assortment of people who are of differing religious, scientific, or spiritual persuasions, labels and exercises. One day you might find a quote by Pope Francis, another day by Billy Graham. Still another day would reveal words of wisdom from Paramahansa Yogananda, or something from Menachem Mendel Schneerson, or Thomas Merton. I have used quotes from prominent Native Americans many times on my Page, as well as several quotes from personal friends who are Astrophysicists, and NASA staff members assigned to many different functions and responsibilities at various NASA facilities.

After looking at my Facebook ”LIKES” section, one person noticed that in the morning he saw 36 different Likes on the subject of the Baptist Church, that same afternoon when he got back on Facebook he noticed that all of the Baptist Likes were gone, and I had replaced them with several Likes concerning the subject of Astronomy. He began to follow my FB Page on a regular basis, taking note of the fact that my Likes section changed often and quite dramatically throughout the week. He told me, “Tuesday I saw you go from 42 Likes on Mormonism to 39 Likes on Catholicism! Thursday you started the day with 29 Likes about Native American culture and you ended the day with 53 Likes concerning Yoga! What’s the deal with that?”

The deal with that is quite simple: Truth is Truth wherever it is found. Do not forget that B-PI is a “warehouse of independent thinkers.” As is stated in our Purpose Statement on the Home Page of the website, B-PI is a “Think Tank” that is not affiliated with any “organization, church, denomination, religion or philosophy on this world.” My FB “Likes” change as a result of my necessity to find examples to use that will better clarify TRUTHS to my FB Friends. It really is as simple as that.

The primary purpose of my FB Page is to proclaim the two prime directives found within our books: 1. For humans to return to PURE devotion to God and away from religion, manmade doctrines and ritual, 2. To convince the human culture to cease their superficial cultural/racial customs, political agendas, and juvenile entertainments, and replace them with the TRUTHS they were gifted at their creation.

So please do not attempt to label me as being “this or that or the other,” for I am none of those and I am all of those. I am but a Messenger. First and foremost it is my task to deliver TRUTH to any and all who will accept it. I assure you that none of my Posts or my Likes are randomly placed. Every single one is there for a specific reason at the time it is there. Every Post and every Like has a deeper meaning than you might first perceive. It is up to the individual reader to discover that meaning, and to accept or reject it’s intent. As always, every reader has the Free Will to do either.


In nearly every culture and religion on Earth the concept of a “Tree Of Life” exists, and for nearly all of those cultures and religions the conceptual meaning of each contains similarities. The reason for the similarities has nothing to do with the correctness of each culture’s interpretation of the Tree Of Life, but with the fact that the correct MEANING was made quite clear to the very first group of humans at the point of their creation, and throughout the centuries even though humanity has distorted that meaning with unnecessary additions and erroneous interpretations, a thread of the TRUTH has been retained. A brief run-down of some of the cultural concepts for the Tree Of Life are given below.

For Christians, the Tree of Life is mentioned in Proverbs, and in the Book of Revelation (Rev 2:7.) In the Bible, Christians do not attain an experience with the Tree of Life until they enter Heaven, where they will then eat of it’s fruit, but only after personal salvation is attained. To a Christian the Tree Of Life represents the Heavenly reward for their upward climb to “salvation.”

In the ancient Egyptian religion the Tree Of Life represented the order and method of the Creation. It also explained how humans (at the bottom of the Tree) are connected to the Egyptian Ennead or Duat system of gods and goddess (at the top of the Tree.)

In the Chinese religions and/or philosophies the Tree represented immortality. If one ate the fruit of the Tree one could attain immortality with the gods. Humans dwelled at the bottom of the Tree and the gods were represented as the top of the Tree – sometimes by the symbol of the Sun sitting on the very top.

To the Norse peoples, “Yggrasil,” was the name of their World Tree/Tree Of Life, the primary purpose of which was to provide immortality not to the humans but to the gods above – the humans who were at the bottom of the Tree stayed below on the ground in order to care for the health of the Tree – thereby insuring the longevity of the gods.

In Hinduism the Tree was where the Gods rested and received visions, humans had very little to do with the Tree itself.

To the ancient Hebrew culture the Tree was associated with wisdom. It was first mentioned in the book of Proverbs, but throughout time it became a name for the entire Torah itself. In some parts of the Hebrew culture it eventually morphed into a very confusing, and complicated mystical “guide” for a human to study, called the Kabbala, the purpose of which was to aid in their struggle to locate God who was presented in symbols at the top of the Tree.

The Tree Of Life concept is also found in the ancient Mesoamerican religions including the Aztec and Mayan groupings. It is a part of nearly every Middle Eastern religion, and even the Native American Religions. And although various meanings and symbols are used in the Tree of Life conceptual structure, all intents and goals are basically the same: humans are at the bottom of the Tree and they must work their way up toward the Heavens at the top of the Tree where their god/gods reside. All forms of “enlightenment” are dependent upon this upward journey, and it is a struggle all the way up, with most never achieving the top but languishing at the bottom and perhaps never getting onto the first limb. According to the Kabbala a few of the more spiritual humans can make it part way up the Tree if they work very hard at it, but the top is seemingly unattainable.

With all of that being said, what is the REAL MEANING of the Tree Of Life metaphor? When the Created Beings instructed the human race three and one-half million years ago at the Seeding of Earth, what exactly did they intend for the original humans to “get” out of such an analogy?

First of all, there was a real tree involved. A giant Oak Tree was created in the very center of the Annica Temple area, the remnants of which are still buried beneath the surface of the ground many hundreds of feet below – one Oak Tree found upon the Annica grounds today has been connected directly to that original Oak for all those centuries.

After the introduction of that giant Oak, the Created Beings (The Family Triad) explained to the original humans in very SIMPLE terms that the Oak Tree did NOT represent the attempt of humanity to claw and struggle their way upward toward some distant God that delighted in both their struggle, as well as their pain along the way, but it DID represent the spirit body of a human being in relation to his or her walk WITH God. There is no mystery involved in the Tree Of Life image. It is a simple lesson.

Briefly, the explanation given to the original humans was as follows: The “body” of the Tree represents the Spirit of a human; the branches are all of life’s decisions; the leaves are the countless experiences along life’s way; the fruit or seeds of the tree represent all of life’s important achievements; the roots are the TRUTHS that the human has been given from the beginning, many of which have been lost over the years, but are still there just under the surface of the ground if a person would only seek them. The ground surface represents the shallow, misleading cultural teachings and doctrines that are meant (by evil ones) to separate the Root Truths from the Spirit of every human alive today. The Blue Sky represents the infinite LOVE that God blankets every human with, throughout all the days they remain down here on Earth while being away from their TRUE HOME, Heaven. The branches of the Tree are raised upward in PRAISE to God, for the Thanksgiving that is inherent in the heart of every human.

Such is the simple explanation for the Tree Of Life metaphor. Yes, mankind has done to that explanation what mankind does to just about every other teaching of a spiritual nature: distorted and diluted it. But it is never too late to return to TRUTH in anything. You do not need some metaphysical chart of esoteric symbology to lead you to “enlightenment,” and if YOU have adopted some of the confused erroneous teachings of the contemporary culture regarding the Tree Of Life, it is not too late for you to remove them from your mind and return to the original intent.

Here at the Bliss-Parsons Institute many of us use the Tree Of Life in our conversations with others to bring them to the simple TRUTHS that were originally given to this world. The Tree Of Life symbol is also used to decorate many areas of ANNICA. It is used as a common reminder that, regardless of what some evil ones may teach, the Creator DOES exist, and humans can become aware of His LOVE toward them. You never have to hunt Him down. You never have to jump through dogmatic hoops in order to gain His Ear. He is not found exclusively in church buildings or even in religions. He is as close to you as the air you breathe.